Topics we may dive deeper into throughout your Effortless Embodiment sessions based on your desires:  

- business expansion
- wealth, relationship with money
- visibility online
- family and relationships
- self-esteem
- relationship with food and body image
- self-care

Shifts you may experience during our sessions are listed below, but not limited to:  

reclaiming your power with money

owning your authority as a visionary leader

releasing overwhelm

feeling empowered to speak your truth

creating and strengthening boundaries

increasing your capacity to receive (and hold) - money, love, pleasure

feeling safe being visible online

owning your unique, inherent value and stop comparing yourself with other

prioritizing yourself, your needs, your self-care

healing rifts in relationships

feeling safe to deepen in intimacy

healing your relationship with food, alcohol, and your body

healing addictions

feeling safe to let go, surrender, and trust

honoring your inner knowing

feeling truly worthy and deserving of your desires