Welcome to the world of Effortless Embodiment… 

I’m Kristen, founder of The Effortless Embodiment Method…

… and co-creator of your destiny.

I lead Visionary women through a deeply transformational process to effortlessly embody their dream lifestyle and Next Level Self.

As women go through The Effortless Embodiment Method, they…

… realize their deepest desires

… create lifestyles that feel effortless, liberating, and true to who they are

… and show up in their business in a way that allows them to have the extraordinary impact they’re here to have in this lifetime. 

Maybe right now you’re…

… caught in hustle-mode with too much on your plate and not nearly enough time

… constantly comparing yourself to others

… holding back your truth because it doesn’t feel safe to share how you feel

… not raising your rates when you know your work is worth far more than you're charging

… rushing through your day, missing out on quality time with your family, your friends - and even yourself

You’re in the right place.

The Effortless Embodiment Method is going to transform all of this for you.

I know how easy it is to… 

Play small  
Hold yourself back  
Feel trapped 
Hide from your own truth
Put yourself last 

… and I founded EEM to ensure that no woman ever has to feel this restricted or limited ever again.  

I’ve personally experienced the liberation, freedom, and catharsis that comes when you rewire your nervous system…

Because, let’s be honest, in order to get to a place of effortless…

… we have to go deep

… we have to face what we’ve been hiding from

… we have to release what we’ve been holding in our bodies

Getting to effortless takes commitment, willingness, and courage.

And, on the other side, is your absolute freedom.

I know how effortless your life gets to be on the other side of this work… 

And I want every woman with a vision for herself and the world to be able to share her gifts freely and express herself fully. 

I want YOU to experience freedom in your being. 

I want YOU to know the magic and power of your body.

I want YOU to create the life that you desire to live from the inside out… 

… and to become the living embodiment of YOUR Big Vision! 

Are you ready to experience life on a whole new level?  

Are you ready to awaken the truth of who you are? 

Are you ready to LIVE the life you know you desire?  

This isn’t magic… 

It’s embodiment.  

And your nervous system holds the key. 

Come unlock it.  

The effects of The Effortless Embodiment Method are: 

Permission giving

Ready for your transformation? 


Change the way you exist in the world… 

Show up as the fully-expressed woman you know you are inside… 

Be seen as a visionary leader… 

Hold the wealth you desire to have in your life…

Feel loved beyond what you know to be loved… 

Give freely without it affecting your own feeling of fullness…  

… All while effortlessly enjoying the life you’ve created for yourself?

What if you were a woman rooted truly, entirely, passionately in desire?  

This is what the Effortless Embodiment Method does for women…

… and this is what it’s going to do for you. 


You can “have it ALL”… as they say. 

You were born to live an exquisite life…

You were born to bring your unique magic, medicine, and message to the world…

You feel this in every cell of your body. 

And though you’ve had a taste of what’s possible…  

… you also know there are places you still hold back, days that feel like a struggle, and - deep down - too much fear to fully liberate yourself and put yourself out there. 

There is ONE KEY to unblocking the untrue beliefs, fears, and struggles you are holding onto…. 

There is ONE ACCESS POINT to embodying ALL of the YOU that is dying to be fully loved, seen, and expressed… 

Your Nervous System. 

Having a Nervous System in alignment with your greatest desires is what allows you to receive them… 

… effortlessly. 

The Effortless Embodiment Method is the quickest, most potent way to live a lifestyle you love, to become highly visible, own your power, and become truly wealthy…

… to become the WOMAN you are meant to become.

Let me show you how it can be effortless.

Are you ready to become the living embodiment of your Big Vision?